How LONG rents are going to rise RENTING vs BUYING
#rents #going #RENTING #BUYING How LONG rents are going to rise RENTING vs BUYING.
A new series of videos closely related to the housingmarket in which we are going to discuss mechanisms that influence trends in house prices and rents As we have established in this video series the major force of pushing house prices higher is the moneysupply that alters the demand Therefore we discuss usd Bond Yields and their relationship with interest rates All projections are based on the wave theory which brings a metaphorical crystal ball to indicate yields and rates movement in shortmidlong term Eventually we draw a parallel between bond and Housing Markets and compare them trying to find similarities and potential trigger points that will crash these markets rentingvsbuying In this episode we analyse the relationship between house prices and rents As we found out rents are lagging behind house prices about 2 to 3 years On the smaller scale the difference is about 3 months and stretches over time as we get closer to the end of the cycle Therefore we should expect about 2 3 year delay in rents peaking comparing to house prices It means rents should peak around the year 2028 houseofcards SOURCES httpstwitter comHouseOfCardsOz httpssqmresearch com auweekly rents phppostcode4060t1 httpswww abs gov austatisticseconomyprice indexes and inflationconsumer price index australiasep quarter 2023 httpswww rent comresearchaverage rent price report httpstradingeconomics comunited statesprice to rent ratio httpswww realestatewitch comrent to income ratio 2023 httpsmanagecasa comwp contentuploads202011census asking rent rate jpg Stock library httpspixabay com Disclaimer The video provides general information about markets and related subjects and is not intended nor it should be construed as financial advice For individual financial advice refer to a professional financial advisor
Length Seconds : 338
Published : 14-Dec-23
Category : News Politics
Is Shorts : NO
Channel : TheHouseOfCards - Postcode Analysis
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